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Monday, 4 February 2013

Indie Film Fails, a.k.a. Monday Movies

This is a rant, ok? If you're religiously opposed to rants, run away. Now.

Let me start by saying... indie films are the best. So much more refreshing and unusual than blockbusters and romcoms. Obviously. They surprise, sometimes shock, and always satisfy any film fanatic. Having said that, I have comprised a list (which I may or may not share in the future) with indie titles. My biggest source is Sundance, the annual film festival in Utah. I've already checked some of the titles, and even though I watched some pretty good tear and joy-jerkers, I was disappointed by a couple.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Back to Basics: My Inspiration Retreat

I showed you mine. Now you show me yours.

When I had a near nervous breakdown at a bus stop, blabbing about how my life makes no sense, about how I am never focused on one thing, and how I'll ruin my future, my very wise friend said, “You’re being too hard on yourself. You should just take a break, figure things out. You have to wait for the answer sometimes.” Then I realized, she was right! I’d been driving myself crazy with all kinds of expectations: for the future; how I should spend my times; scheduling my free time; etc. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Rant: the Nature of Criticism And the Value of Art

All right, I’m only going to say this once: art matters. Period.
If it’s shitty, it’s the artist’s way to hone and perfect it. If it’s creepy, it’s the artist’s way to point to real problems they witness. If it’s negative, it’s the artist’s way of venting. And if it’s inspiring, it’s the artist’s way to paying it forward, and contributing to a better world. Yesterday, it happened on the most unlikely of places: facebook. I’m not against facebook, it’s known to be wise occasionally.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

How Story-Telling Improves Your Child's Well-Being

First of all, let me start with a disclaimer: I am not a Mum blogger, I am an au pair.
Second, let me tell you how I’ve enriched (or at least I believe I did) a five-year-old’s life in the past few months. As some of you know, I moved to Rome last August, and I’ve loved my new job, my new friends, and overall my new life. The toddler boy in question has made my life richer and happier as well!

Monday, 14 January 2013

The Truth about Strippers by Anna M.C. Aydelott

DISCLAIMER: This post contains mild language and a sensitive subject.
You probably know by now that I find most things fascinating. Which is why I got excited when Anna contacted me. What she said to me was: I lead a triple life. Of course, if that wasn’t enough to catch my attention (which it did), she went on to say that she worked as a stripper, and had a family, AND was a writer. But what really got me thinking was her automatic assumption that in my mind, I must be judging her, just like everybody else. She was only partly right: I'm not immune to prejudice, unfortunately. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Early Signs of an Obsessively Random Passionista

Have you ever wondered why you’re the unique snowflake that you are? What makes you, well... you? What lies on the bottom of your most basic habits and beliefs? I often do.
I got my answers in the form of an unexpected reminiscence with my dad. I wasn’t really on one of my fishing trips where I nag my parents to tell me what I was like as a kid, but nevertheless, my dad started reminiscing. There was nothing I could do to stop it. Now it’ll be forever carved in my mind, and blog.

Monday, 31 December 2012

Last of 2012 and My First EVER Photo Blog!

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to blog today or not. I already shared my tragic story of 2012, and by the way I’m almost completely recovered from my endless stream-of-illnesses. IT'S A MIRACLE!!!
So I’ve done hindsight AND insight. I suppose I could do a Resolutions Blog, but I don’t feel like doing that. Lots of people are doing ‘blog highlights of 2012’ type of posts, which is cool, but not my style…