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Monday, 30 May 2011

Two More Deserving Versatile Bloggers

Hello, my faithful followers! Here’s the second part of the Versatile Blog Award nominations. Two more extremely talented writers and bloggers. Go and give them some love!  

1. Rusty Fischer is a YA author and he’s a zombie fan, and his blog’s name is Zombies Don’t Blog. How cool is that? I know what you’re thinking: where’s the darn link? Zombies seem to be trendy now and I, for one, don’t mind at all. In fact, anything horrific that can scare me out of sleeping is good! He has a book out: Zombies Don’t Cry. I haven’t read it yet, but you might as well check this out: . I am giving Rusty the award because his posts can only be described as helpful. From writing to publishing and from tweeting to facebooking. Basically, he’s a social media guru, so go ask him how he does it @ .

Also,  you can follow him on twitter @Ruswriteszombie. ;)

2. Imran Siddiq is an extremely versatile artist, writer, and quite a versatile blogger. I especially like his writing style because it’s out-of-the-box.  How about a story about the lizard called Remy?  His site is peppered with his unique touch, and the blog delivers some very useful tips and observations. Not to mention that the design is just superb!

In his own words: “What you will find here is a collection of thoughts, descriptions, artwork, stories and software language tips that I hope will inspire all of you.” Indeed. I have not yet read all of his posts but the few I did check out immediately won me over. You can’t put a price on that. ;) So I bet you want to follow his blog now. Wink.

Finally, he’s @Flickimp on Twitter. Go follow him because he is an exceptionally good tweep. I can’t thank him enough for all the RT’s, really. :)